Diagnostic Services offers quality tests and services across eight laboratory sections including Bacteriology and Mycology; Biochemistry, Special Chemistry, and Immunology; Endocrinology and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring; Hematology, Cytology and Coagulation; Necropsy, Histopathology, and Immunohistochemistry; Parasitology; Toxicology; and Virology and Molecular Testing encompassing terrestrial, aquatic, and wildlife species. The eight laboratory sections commenced operation in 1987 and were organized as a professional service unit, Diagnostic Services, to support the service, research and teaching mandates of the Atlantic Veterinary College, a faculty of the University of Prince Edward Island.

Diagnostic Services is an ISO/IEC 17025 accredited laboratory. Diagnostic Services strives to provide convenient, quality, timely services backed by state of the art equipment, qualified and experienced professionals and a commitment to value your business needs by offering a breadth of routine and innovative veterinary tests and services.

The Diagnostic Services Unit serves as:

  1. A referral laboratory for the veterinary clinics, colleges and universities in Atlantic Canada and globally. Animal owners can only submit laboratory samples to Diagnostic Services under the direction of their veterinarian.
  2. A provincial laboratory for the province of Prince Edward Island to support the agriculture sector of the province.
  3. A hospital laboratory for the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the Atlantic Veterinary College.
  4. A research laboratory to support the researchers of the Atlantic Veterinary College, the University of Prince Edward Island, the Atlantic Canada region and globally.

For more information about available tests, submission requirements and test fees, please contact us at 902-566-0863.

Mission Statement
To provide excellence in laboratory diagnostic services for the improvement of animal and public health.