This test includes culture and identification of anaerobic bacterial organisms. Antimicrobial sensitivity testing is not available for anaerobes; beta-lactamase production will be tested and reported when applicable.

Specimens from sterile body sites, surgical sites, abscesses, wounds, and tissue biopsies are screened for anaerobic bacteria. Anaerobic culture does not need to be selected for these body sites. Culture and identification of anaerobes can be added on to an aerobic culture and sensitivity, when indicated by the laboratory, for an additional fee.  See Sample Submission Guide for more details.

Please contact laboratory before submitting a sample for anaerobic culture (not including the samples listed above) to discuss appropriate sampling, shipping, and handling details. 


Test Code:    ANAER.

Test Days:M-Sat
Turn Around Time (Days):2-7 days

Swabs in transport medium


Anaerobic transport medium: tube or vial
Sterile, screw cap container
Fresh or frozen tissue

Handling/ Storage:

DO NOT refrigerate
Keep tissues frozen or cool

Test Fee:*You can only see pricing if you are logged in.
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