Broth microdilution/MIC testing is offered as an add-on test to pathogen screening. This test is included with Aerobic Culture and Sensitivity Testing. Antimicrobial sensitivity testing conforms to the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) standards.

Pure aerobic, fast-growing bacterial isolates can be submitted for testing with prior approval from the laboratory. Broth microdilution/MIC testing for research or for non-clinical isolates should contact laboratory to discuss testing options and associated fees. Transfer forms must be completed prior to the submission of pure bacterial isolates. Please contact laboratory ( to arrange for submission.

Test Code:   MIC

Test Days:M-Sat
Turn Around Time (Days):2-5 days

Add-on sensitivities for pathogen screening.
Pure bacterial isolates. Contact laboratory for more information.

Test Fee:*You can only see pricing if you are logged in.
Go to the Submission Forms page.