Flexibility in Data Submission
Allows submission of all test data through the internet, by mail, or via fax – The choice is up to the laboratory.

Comprehensive Test Reports
All test data is supplied in a customized summary report, using both graphical and numerical presentations.

Totally Confidential
All submitted test data is pooled and statistically analyzed in strict confidence by the Atlantic Veterinary College.

Peer Group Comparisons
Allows review of intra-laboratory data and inter-laboratory peer group statistics, which serves to improve laboratory testing accuracy.

Free Subscription to ListServer
The IVPTC ListServer allows participants to easily communicate with laboratories worldwide, creating an open forum for discussion on a host of important veterinary topics.

Continuing Education
IVPTC Bacteriology, Hematology, Histopathology and Parasitology test modules results include review articles and kodachromes to discuss the reasoning and rationale behind the benchmark results.

Full Service and Support
Customer and Technical Services are available by phone, fax, or email.